What Is Ticket in RepairRabbit?

Prayansh,   Thursday, Jun 21, 2018


The main organ of a repair shop is its ticketing system. Repair ticket is a job sheet, the tickets will show you exactly what you need, when you need it, from any device. The lightweight workflow will gently remind you of the next task without getting in your way or slowing you down. Maintaining a record of repair tickets can be helpful in the future. You can check daily, weekly & monthly repair tickets easily. It will help you organize your work and check the status of any repair ticket easily.

As tickets are a crucial part of all repair businesses, RepairRabbit makes it easy for your regular customers to book a ticket and get their time slot. Repair tickets are later converted into invoice as repair work of the device gets over.

Core advantages

  1. Organization
    One of the biggest benefits of this feature is the increased level of organization that comes from it. You can keep track of what has been taken care of and what still needs to be done. Increased organization is a big advantage of this feature that leads to a number of other benefits.

  2. Efficiency
    Because of the increased organization, ticketing feature allows your company to respond to requests with much less effort than other systems. Increased efficiency means that fewer hours are required to take care of all of your customers’ requests. Most importantly, efficiency means fewer mistakes. Your customers will be especially grateful for this.

  3. Maintain workflow
    You owe it to your employees to help them get organized. Plenty of support staff will say that they develop headaches due to the work of the day because they are constantly pulled in different directions. This leads to a lower level of productivity. The ticketing will keep them organize because they have a list of tickets to work on, in an order of priority.

  4. Time Tracking
    One of the benefits of the ticketing feature is the ability to track time and you need to track the times. Your goal should be to have good ticket response times on an ongoing basis. If the response times are not good, you need to know about it and then take the necessary action to work towards improving them.

  5. Other benefits
    Ticketing feature guarantees that an entire team is kept in the loop relevant data is updated and thus, you can provide more informed service to your customers. Thus, your customers feel safe as they have complete information about the repair of their device. Tickets are later converted into invoices and they can be sent to through an e-mail too.

Contact us for pricing & purchase information or try RepairRabbit free.